Currency Converter
Convert between 160+ currencies on the go.
GoConvert is a currency converter with access to over 160 global currencies. Bookmark your favorite currencies for easy and fast currency conversion while traveling. Always be up-to-date with the real exchange rates and avoid unnecessary fees.
- Offline rates for conversion without internet access
- Infinite favorites
- Fast & easy conversion with simple design
- Daily updated exchange rates
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Global currencies
You’ll get access to over 160 currencies from around the globe. Add your favorite currencies to the home screen to guarantee fast & easy conversion. We support conversion between countless rates, including EURO EUR, British Pound GBP, United States Dollar USD, and many more. We also convert Bitcoin BTC.
Offline caching
With fully offline capabilities GoConvert will update exchange rates daily and keep them locally available for you. So, whether you are traveling or without internet access you can calculate rates of currencies fast and reliably.